I was just about to graduate from high school. And I was looking for job. I applied to Goodwill and the more I found out about it just more interesting it came to me. I was a donation attendant at the...
- Ok, to capture this in numbers, how does this problem disturbs your daily work? Zero means it disturbs you not al all during my work, ten is it disturb me enormous, it negatively effects my work. -...



- Ok, lets go back and talk about what you need in order to make the next step. Imagine, we ask your mother again for help. What would she say 'Merel needs this or that in order to handle...
happy for her as well today's media are smaller started reading this book law of attraction Sun luciano zia aloe ass I are Facebook readers more I don't think an awesome there and you...



When everything works and you hit the ball and it just goes exactly where you want to go, it's just so satisfying. Glass painting is a hobby that I picked up back in school. I like...



SkillSelect is a new process for managing skilled migration to Australia. It starts on the first of July 2012 and it will be free to intending migrants. Programs like SkillSelect are going to help us...
I think that the best way to explain how I focus on what I need for school is I do have two older children, I have a 14-year-old and an 11-year-old; they kind of take care of themselves, but I do have...



[Theme music playing] How do I stay focused? I stay focused by keeping things simple, as simple as I can, because the more complicated you get, well, for me, the more scatterbrained my brain gets, so...



[theme music playing] First of all, the first thing you do is you stay focused, and if this is your first year, I don't recommend really going into clubs or whatever. What you want to...



This video offers advice to those students who have some clarity about the career field that they would like to break into and if they are attending a career or internship fair to learn more about...

