>> BROWN: My name is Glenn Brown, Iím a Googler. Iím a product counsel. I work on image search and video and blogger and Wi-Fi and some other things. And I have the pleasure today of...
In the wake of the unimaginably tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary school that left twenty children and six adults dead on December 14, 2012, much ink, electricity, and breath has been spent in...
Alright, now we're going to start the show with the fitness division. The fitness division is a division that's rarely seen at bodybuilding shows nowadays, because it's very...
Hey, everyone! This is Rodrigo Silveira with https://www.easylearntutorial.com and this is... I guess, technically, tutorial number one but this is a moral fibre introductory video to my series about...



Ok, so one of the really good tools right now, along with using video, is to use webinars. Online webinars act as a tool for you to educate not only your customers, but your perspective customers, the...
For this dance there is no exit, time is running out come closer and zumba with me with movement for this dance there is no exit, time is running out come closer and zumba with me with movement, with...
No I I remember the events from 9/11 in sequence as as sort of they happened. It was a day that started like any other day and I came to work, dropped my son off at the Lewis Little Folks which is the...
Hey guys! It is Corey, and this year I made a commitment both to myself and to you to release as many videos as possible. A lot of fantastic and beautiful people have done a lot of really awesome...