(Ray Comfort) Have you heard of Adolf Hitler? No. You don't know who he is? No. ♪♪♪ [cheering] ♪♪♪ (Adolf Hitler) [speaking German] ♪♪♪ I'm Ray Comfort. I'm Jewish, and...



Oh yes that’s right daddy yeah. Uh oh, the school bell is ringing. Recess is over. Oh you called just in time, I was about to. Are you seeing someone else. What are you calling me here for. I tried...
[horn honks] [honk honk] [honk] [honk honk honk honk] [honk honk] [honk honk honk] Hey, pull over! Pull over! [honk] I don't believe it. [horn honks] Jesus! Christ! [truck horn honks] Hey,...
If you were my boyfriend, I'd never let you go. I’d hide you in my basement, nobody has to know. With this shock collar you'll do everything I say, And with my magic love spell...
#IDK THERE ARE NO NEW VIDEOS #want to go #run mars #Studio 80 #do anything for you #no one gets me #swag girl #she's so gorgeous i want to diiiie #girls in glasses #recipes I'd like to try #go for it! #idkimhungry #frien #me to you #indie boy #never let you go #we're engaged #no boyfriend #iwishiwasalittlebittaller #Never Made Love #new music matters #boy hands #idk just a thing #I'll cover you #collar clip #Boy Swag #little swag #swaggi #boi #girlfried #neverwithoutit #NY SAFE Act #imgoingtowearthiseveryday #swag swag swag #lyricsoverswag #swag blog #Let's Get Political #swaggye #swaggiie #let them show #Funny politicals D #but i wanted to make some #my ariana style outfits #im gonna do it #justletmehavethisone #just owl. #my friend #we are never ever getting back together #shower with your girlfriend #friendship nine #Basement entertainment area. #Stuff I'd actually want to wear #my girlfriend #boyfran fav's #Boy With The Bread #All play and no work #Contents My Kids Love d #Just Plain Awesome #never let me go #staples centre #itsquietforyou #jostens #it's one of my favs #maybe i'll just leave it #My style - more serious and funny things 1 #realstudio #got a girl crush #look at all my friends!!!! #a way of u showing me love #getmoneyboy #girls with braces #I CAN GO ON #nevernotrunning #i want to go to this party #friendstilweare80 #learn to spell LOL #boy friend #Hungry for the Hunger Games #friendoftheshow #so I brought a whole bunch of my mini toys #you're single im single lets be single together #howdoiboyfriend #Justin Biber #my hands #letyouhavethisone #idk but that's so cute #icons justin bieber #justin bieber icons #whut #theywillneverletgo #mygirl #best boyfriend #dont let me go #Hunger Games My Love 3 #songs that remind me of you #follow for friend #swagie #ahahahahah #i just want you #my one in a million #you're no good to me dead #go me! #indie girl #how do you know me #films i want to see #My Boyfriends #and away we go #malkingmecrazy #nick animation studio #call you girlfriend #and iPod touch blog #ihavethebestfriends



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