Hi. My name is Brenda Stainton, I'm a PSW, and I work in Peterborough, Ontario. The best part of my job is - and I've done it for over 30 years - making a difference in the...
02-Overlooking hassan tower and river by TravelPod member ash_gauld The Hassan tower from a distance by TravelPod member stevecori The Hassan Tower. by TravelPod member landerh 04-Hassan Tower by...
1 by TravelPod member carolinetogna 4 by TravelPod member carolinetogna 5 by TravelPod member carolinetogna 7 by TravelPod member carolinetogna 9 by TravelPod member carolinetogna 10 by TravelPod...



Sometimes when I start painting, I start by mixing the colors 'cause if I have that pool of color to start with, I do better work. This is my studio. It's my very favorite place to be...
thousands of OPSEU members were shocked to learn this past February that they will have to pay more for health care benefits when they retire as a general first 2017 members have the option tension...
To participate you need One group One vehicle The regulation is 4 Tours 4 drivers 2 tunnels but only one take per turn Vehicles are either pedal or electric motor A little crazy Drivers may be out of...
Appeal of General Challe, April 22, 1961 [announcer] Radio-France Algiers. General Challe talks to the Armed Forces. Go ahead ! [Maurice Challe] Officers, non-commissioned officers, gendarmes,...
My name is Aina Lala Hariniaina Langer, and I'm 23 years old. What I love about karate is, it constantly pushes me to be better. It's not just about kicking in your opponent's...
When people find out I'm a member of the LDS Church, they say, "What's that?" I say, "I'm a Mormon." They say, "No way....



Allah l’Exalté enjoint le croyant d'accomplir la prière pour se souvenir de Lui et L'invoquer : ..Accomplis la prière pour M'avoir en ta pensée. » (Sourate 20-14) La prière...