The Blogger tool in MyCR allows you to maintain a weblog, also referred to as a blog, which functions as an online journal for your class. To access the Blogger tool for a class site, when viewing the...



Bloggers Roundtable Part II Cut I MS. BOYD: We have a question that has come in online with a lot of acronyms, some of which I don't know. So I apologize in advance. The NRC has a differing...
Bloggers Roundtable Part I Cut 1 Transcript MR. YURMAN: Okay, our next question is about Fukushima. There are a number of questions about the Agency's response to the Fukushima tsunami and...
a is the well this luxury something their or hours I am but statement here the methodist posted it's a all the of a or what that's what it's called with time it is it talks...



Bloggers Roundtable Part II Cut II MS. BOYD: The NRC appears to be downplaying the health effects of the Fukushima disaster. Who is collecting the data? How is the data being shared with the U.S....
Hola, les voy a mostrar cómo hacer un Slideshow o Presentación con nuestras imágenes o fotos de nuestras cuentas de google+ Lo primero que deben hacer es ingresar a la página principal de...



Hola, les voy a mostrar cómo ocultar la barra de Blogger que se visualiza en la parte superior de nuestras páginas, y cómo colocar las metaetiquetas. Bueno, lo primero es dirigirse a la página...



Okay. Hey everybody it is me Jae Pettie I'm stepping away from My plan A improving into am down Into a zone that I feel is a little bit more zen I'm here to quiet my mind but more...
Hola, les voy a mostrar el nuevo diseño de la plantilla de Blogger, ahora cuando ustedes ingresan a Plantilla y hacen clic sobre Editar HTML, van a notar un diseño muy similar, al que usan los...



Hi my name is Jake and I'm about to enter the first annual All Campus Career Fair Now I don't want to misinform you, U of I hosts numerous career fairs all throughout the year I...

