Hi, I'm David Clemen on behalf of Expert Village. Today on the show we're going to do fashion illustration. OK the little talked about fashion illustration is men's faces and...
Alright folks. In this clip we're going to teach you how to draw or sketch dragons rather. So we're going to start right here with the head. What I'm going to do is I'm...
So, part of what we want to do and what we do for is we tell you what content you have, what do we have to take out. We're gonna look at cropping a few of these to make them stronger. We may...
Hi I'm Seth Maxomalis I'm an artist and illustrator. The angle that they're facing in really is instrumental in the whole picture of it being framed in. He's facing...
Hey welcome to my studio everybody. My name is Lars Erik Robinson. My company is LarsEr Arts All Around Art-tainment. You might wonder when you see caricatures in a theme park or at the pier...
Hi folks, in this clip I'm going to teach you how to create your very own super hero from scratch, the process that you go through when you're first designing a look for your super...
Eeedgar! The Elephant Who Exaggerated Once, there was an elephant, who, like his dear, old dad, Exaggerated anything and everything he had. “I’ve got a trunk a mile wide! And TEN miles long!” he’d...
I really loved teaching. I taught for about 16 or 17 years in Virginia. When I graduated from college, I had a degree in forestry, which of course has tons of science background. I did all the...
[Music] I'm T.J. Wilcox. I'm making a film project that I'm going to show on the second floor of the Whitney Museum. What you'll see is a great glowing ring of...