Hi I'm Rachel Deon for Expert Village. Now I'm going to show you how to fill up the jars. I prepared a towel already on the table and I'm going to take the hot jars from the...
Hi my name is Rachel Deon for Expert Village. Now let's see what to do after the mixture have been sitting for 24 hours. It was covered so no bugs will come in as you can see there is a syrup...
Hi my name Rachel Deon for Expert Village. We're going to make sure that the jars have no drops of water inside because the water might have bacteria that grow very fast inside the jelly. We...
Hi my name is Rachel Deon on Expert Village. Now we're going to add the sugar and start the cooking. My mixture is still sitting but I took a cup of juice out so we can continue with our...
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So my model Patricia changed into a beautiful, black, sexy suit. I love this suit, this is my favorite. So before she was wearing that brown velor, now we're into black and classic. So we have...
If you want to wear a long sleeve blouse or a short sleeve blouse, jut make sure that the material is thick enough so you can put it under your blazer. So first I'm going to show you this...
So we talked about suits, we talked about skirts and now we're going to talk about dresses. Now dresses are very, they can be casual or conservative. This is a perfect dress for the office...
There are many different style of shoes to wear during the business hour, so Patricia is going to show her boots first. And I didn't even know they were boots, because they look like pumps to...
Hi, my is Susan Jacobs a Personal Style Image Consultant and I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village to talk about dressing the petite body. In this clip we're going to talk about...