ZBrush es una herramienta asombrosa. Los días en que teníamos que construir nuestros modelos 3D laboriosamente polígono por polígono y vértice a vértice han quedado atrás. ZBrush trata sobre...



Les hablaré de arte... dado que no hay nada más de que hablar... ya que no existe nada más. La vida es un oscuro vagabundo... UN CUBO DE SANGRE La vida es un oscuro vagabundo... UN CUBO DE SANGRE UN...



Hola ... En teste video nos va a ayudar Thomas. Vamos a cortar el hierro y después lo soldaremos a calda. Lo llevaremos al punto de fusión. Sabremos que se encuentra en el punto de fusión cuando...



Recordar: Poco carbón Agua alrededor de la fragua y usar el espetón Con un movimiento de derecha a izquierda conseguimos que la escoria se desplace no teniendo que dejar de calentar para sacar la...



To make the cantaloupe balls, a melon baller or Parisian scoop is a must – it has an edge as sharp as a knife. There is the oval spoon, the large semi-spherical Parisian scoop, as well as the smaller...



Transparent pearls To realize isomalt pearls or lollipop, melt the isomalt in a pan. Isomalt is an sweetener. It's used in pastry to give crispy, to prepare brilliant and transparent decors....
(piano playing) Dr. Beth Harris: We're standing, the three of us, outside of Sant' Andrea al Quirinale. I don't know how my Italian sounded there. Male: Perfect, perfect. Beth:...
Rafael Moneo called me while he was working on the Museum’s extension and was thinking about how to resolve the door. As he had done in other places he wanted to design a door and we had a very...
01 Cerro Blanco by TravelPod member linzstoker 02 Sector I by TravelPod member linzstoker 03 examples of house structures by TravelPod member linzstoker 04 ceramic sherds on surface by TravelPod...



-What's happenin' forum? Two turtles doin' it. What else would be happenin'? Now, the funny thing about this video is not the turtles humping, because who...