So, we've been talking about energy, and vibrations, and frequencies, and all that kind of thing, and you know I enjoy teaching you about the Elements as well. So right now, we're...
look Britney's havin another one of her crazy dreams She was up all night watching star wars and playing with that claw machine Wonder what she's dreamin about? (Yo Dad )I'm...
uh... yes will clean here and uh... this is my first let's split on dates of earthbound and santana metapress edition upstairs like place can this is the interest of the and this game has one...
So that's all we have for today. Thank you so much for joining us. We hope you'll hop back for our next episode. Please look for us online anywhere at Facebook, Twitter,,...
Hello, this is Tu Tele, I'm Lourdes Narro and this is Hello Domingote your eyes and ears in the world of cyber-entertainment and film. Let's begin! Daniel Craig was offered a...
Hey I got a story to tell you... A drunk guy walk in the bar He walk in the bar.... drunk.. he was drunk! He was drunk ... he was out He saw two guy at the pool table so drunk guy walk over there He...
I don't, do I? Yes. But you're just fitting in the frame. Ok. I have to get to those. Hi. Amanda here. I got some news for you. The 12 of December 2012. That's right. 12. 12....
Hi there, my name is Konstantin Reinfeld. I am a student and musician playing the diatonic harmonica and a bit piano. Hi there, my name is Christoph Spangenberg. I am from Berlin and actually live in...
Money, get away Get a good job with more pay and you're OK Money, it's a gas Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash New car, caviar, four star daydream, Think I'll buy...
Many of us fear the dark For what might be there, for what might not be there And when the darkness is great, It can become easy to forget about the light. But if we search for the light we shall find...