It’s a pleasure to be here at the “Own It! Embrace Your Beauty” fashion show at Northern Illinois University. As a former member of the DeKalb community, it brings me great joy to be part of such a...
What is the best way to get rid of menstrual bloating? I suppose a hysterectomy is out of the question. And don’t even bring up pregnancy. That’s temporary and painful. Cut back on the French fries...
nussenitals scam everyone it's michael mattos and lamb for short and allow us to partner with full evelyn evelyn dot com and today i would give you some information about a company called...
Hey Warriors, it's your trainer, Marcia Prince here. And today, instead of showing you an exercise I just want to talk to you about the change of exercise. Now, take a look at your current...
you probably heard a casual fridays you might soon be hearing about work out where Friday's that's the idea that the washington post Vicky Hallett has come up with she thinks that to...
Hi this is Melissa Heisler, a life and business coach for It’s My Life. And I invite you on January 14th for a free webinar on how to take back your life. I spent many years myself dissatisfied with...
Give Power to Your Words – May 5, 2013 Today I will expand on how you can complete with the root-patterns. I will give you the exact procedure of “completion”. Before giving you the complete...
Hello My Friend, My name is Rick McKillip. You can see my picture right there. That is me doing one of my favorite things, golfing where I live in beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Today, I am doing a review on...
bjbjLULU MESSAGE FROM ST GERMAIN: COMMUNICATION WITH CELESTIAL BODIES Beloved Ones, I Am St Germain There is much talking about the recent happenings on your world about planets and comets coming into...