Michael from the Netherlands asks: Hey guise, I heard that people attribute characteristics to blood types in Korea. Maybe you could do a TL;DR on this? That's a really good one I'm...
This week’s Music Monday is a special edition with the battle of the Bs, with BAP, BTS, and BtoB When we looked at the KpopCharts this week we saw that three boy bands all with acronyms starting with...
- Heart thumping, long awaited kiss scene! - DJ: very lightly, beautifully DJ: It's going to be very embarrassing. Really. How do I do it? - Our Daeyoung is nervous? - DJ: What video why are...
It has come to our attention That the Kpop Charts have been overrun by boys and boygroups again And we haven't really talked about female groups that much And so now we're going to...
[awesome beat] All I wanna eat HAY! Eatyourkimchi! It’s so tasty! All I’m gonna watch. Hay! Eatyourkimchi! It’s so racy! All I wanna be Is Sexy, Free, and Single. Let’s go Bingo! All I wanna say Is...
Welcome back to Kpop Music Mondays where we say weird things about Kpop Music Videos That's not really what a KMM is. It's more just our opinion on Kpop songs. Which usually ends up...
This week’s Music Monday will have you making cow noises with Nu’est’s “Hello” For the EYKAs, Nu’est’s “Hello” won the award for best Potential Kpop Music Monday, Which is why we’re doing it today!...
(Thump Thump Thump Thump ahh, Thump Thump Thump Thump ahh) (Playing with spoons music.) This week's Music Monday is the... (Dun dun duh nuhhhh) [S] What the? [AJ] Yahhh!!! [S] Oh- (Beep) [AJ]...
This week’s Music Monday will have you smelling other people’s butt holes with EXO’s “Growl.” Okay, we were going to review a different video for KMM but we decided at the last minute that we HAD to...
Alright, this is John Kohler with okraw.com. Today I have another exciting episode for you. We're all the way here, big island in Hawaii, of the hanaka side actually. Beautiful farm, at today....