Most of the hashish produced in Morocco is sold abroad, overwhelmingly in Europe, although there is a significant domestic consumer market for the drug. European consumption has long acted as a pull...
Let me say in general that one challenge with human rights, is that human rights are broad statements of principles. As we go forward from the days of their proclamation, we have to fill in the...
have your tickets and at all Los Angeles for have kids and you have have you been inside the stores I've been inside have I think I think was the kids and some these play some these I maybe...
drug use is booming among baby boomers apparently the use illegal drugs among americans in general is holding steady but its surging among middle-aged people and baby boomers seniors what is up with...
sophisticated insist different from substance abuse the criteria that we used to determine whether dependency exists there are seven of them and then you have to have three of those criteria occurring...
Operator: Welcome, and thank you for standing by. At this time, all participants are in listen-only mode. After presentations, we will conduct a question-and-answer session. To ask a question on the...
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Upon suspicion of drug use, and obviously upon confirmation of drug use A plan needs to be put into motion, I know that everyone is different than I am, and different plans may work for different...

