Hero: Oh, hello! Sorry to have to be speaking to you like this. You've caught me at a bit of a difficult time so I'll have to be quick. For my day job, I'm a superhero....



Otto Porter junior you know him I did you heard the fine young fella hope he's a player out a porter of course the what was he the number three draft pick I believe in this last year's...
[music] >>JAZMINE FENLATOR: Going into 2014, I want to use all those things that I've dropped into my piggy bank and cash it in on the big day. And post Sochi, I want to use my...
person isn't waiting to sports and it's a good thing because you know answers one word couple of all football uh... but you know it's surprises the time but if you go but what...
Lincoln park.... is beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful. It's in the name, the parks there so many different parks here, and green space. you know it's hard imagining walking...
Okay, we are talking about shooting technique and shooting drills. Moving on talking about squaring to the basket. Whether you are in the right side or the left side at the free throw line squaring up...



of it so appear trades are really good retriever to utah first about mama negotiating they go to minnesota love what minnesota's doing there's not a everything revealed you're...
the five decide to take up the k so the Malaysian white that's missing and so could move to inject politics into it that's the unsurprising Anjuli gonna blame the only question is why...
Hi and today how do you know slime games? so do you know slime games? because they are so hard When you get to the slime king he do have big powers I guess so he do have big powers and and small power...
in chicago bears legend has retired today were reinvent high slur of serious exim radio uh... ben thank you for joining us eight robles he comes second to ruled mike single terry in uh......