Hello microcurrent fans. Christine Byer, licensed Master Esthetician here in Austin, Texas. I specialize in microcurrent and I wanted to talk about lifting the neck today. The neck is probably one of...
Hi all. Christine Byer here, licensed Master Esthetician in Austin, Texas. I wanted to give you all a quick - to teach you a quick trick that I do for my neck and jowl area. If I'm feeling...
Hello YouTubers and fellow esties. Christine Byer here. Licensed Master Esthetician in Austin, Texas. I just wanted to give a quick update as to what is going on with me and Nerium. Well as you all...
Hi Everybody. And I'm here to discuss this week's Truth-O-Meter Tuesday question Which was actually inspired by a patient who asked us to do something about eyelid surgery We that...
Both Botox and Dysport are a batchline of toxins that have been on the market for many years. Dysport got it's start in Europe where it had about 5-10 years experienced prior to being FDA...
botox bristol services that you used to the issues that were are record appts which is that treatments for forever because it's mainly used for headlines arthur before headlines times...
Eyelids surgery - 31 years old? I am very dissatisfied with the state of my skin around eyes - tired look, lots of wrinkles, saggy skin. I am 31 years old. Is upper and lower blepharoplasty...
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Wag'n'Load can be attached to the leash right in front of your hand and it looks closer like this. Wag'n'Load works the same way with retractables. For larger dogs,...