
This cocktail is called Dominican Goddess. Go ahead and start off by putting your ice in your shaker like so. Then we're going to do one and a half ounces of rum, light rum. Here's...
Swimmer unites the five continents. Dominican long distance ocean swimmer Marco Diaz has successfully completed the last stretch necessary to symbolically unite all five continents, a feat he...
Hi, my name is Francisco Rosario I'm very happy now, two years after I came to this office When I first came, I was very sad Thinking about my hair... You who are in the same situation I was,...
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news from Dominican Republic and Haiti. Since early June, thousands of people in the neighboring countries were forced from their homes due to...
Closed Captions provided by Scripps Networks, LLC. Captioned by Closed Captioning Services, Inc. (Anthony) OVER THE YEARS I'VE KNOWN A LOT OF DOMINICANS IN NEW YORK CITY. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS IS...
About to dune buggy trek through sugar cane fields by TravelPod member jeff1fla Proabably already ingested the parasite by now!! by TravelPod member jeff1fla He followed me around for a while by...
What a beaufiful beach by TravelPod member teddifax Another beach shot by TravelPod member teddifax Beach shot by TravelPod member teddifax Ahhhhh!!!! by TravelPod member teddifax Talented artists...
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Tropical storm Emily disrupts Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. Having formed on August 1 in the Caribbean Sea, the storm by August 3 had wreaked havoc in the Venezuelan state of Aragua,...
To Sister Edda & Brother David: We want to thank you for the materials you give us That’s why we are learning more and more each Sunday, And that’s why I appreciate you. Thank you very much...