Hey guys today I'm going to review a cologne called "Legend" by Michael Jordan. I recently got this cologne because, I needed something to wear for casual, everyday use in...
(Image source: CBS) BY JOHN O'CONNOR President Obama is renewing his stand against nuclear weapons, urging Russia to join the U.S in slashing its supply of nuclear warheads. Following in the...
So today we got some really special, special stuff for you guys. This is like the world premiere of these handmade shirts. It's a technique we've developed--a 14 step technique. No one...
I?m here to support Project Reality Runway here at TTU, to interrupt mainstream fashion?s expectations of women and interrupt the reiteration of ideal female stereotypes. We basically celebrate Love...
What words best describe your city? When I think about Milan, I think about apéritifs, people out at night, the Duomo, the Corso Vittorio Emmanuele, the parks, and children playing on Sundays. What...
Hello, my name is Shalon Delgado and on behalf of Expert Village I’m here to talk to you today about how to walk. It’s very important to learn how to walk especially in heels. You want to practice...
Here come old flattop, he come grooving up slowly He got joo-joo eyeball, he one holy roller He got hair down to his knee Come together Got to be a joker he just do what he please He wear no...
Hello my name is Eric Legaud, today I would like to present you the song by ACDC Highway to Hell! Which isn't that complicated to do, you just need to know how to do the switchings on the left...
Hi I'm Sarah and today I'm reviewing Paul Sebastian by Paul Sebastian This fragrance was first introduced in 1979 and it's reminiscent of an old vintage barbershop It has a...
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