This is the story of a sketch. Indeed, to be precise, is the story of a story, in form of sketch: essentially, a bit of graphite over a cellulose and glue sheet. As in every story like this there is a...



If often happen to me Wake up and try to remember that dream I was doing up to that point. Of course, who knows how it would end. It's almost like leaving a book in the middle, or stop a...
I've seen enough. Take the binoculars. You take a look. In any case, we did the right thing to let him go when we heard those shots. But who the devil are those nosy guys who stopped the...



Two year from now... Hallo? Yes, of course See you in a hour, at home easy, everything's ok Ok, Bye N.1440. the most recent. four a day... One year is been gone, yet, it seems it's...



Here, this box is hiding a trap door. I figure we have to go down those steps. I don't know if what we'll see will be suitable to your stomach, Thomas. Don't worry about me...



there are few occupations, said Me-ti, which may damage the morals of a man as much as to deal with morality. I hear: You have to love the truth, we must keep our promises, you have to fight for good....
Misteriosi cerchi sono comparsi in un grande campo di grano, in località Bagnara, nella zona tra Veroli e Monte San Giovanni Campano,vicino la famosa Abbazia di Casamari ,in provincia di Frosinone. A...
Hi Girls how are you? le canzoni in italiano imparate mail come 4 pensiamo ad agosto è un mese un pò particolare carenza d'acqua ma milano alle temperature raggiungono alti 60 gradi fuori...
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Why did you make the circles? Well, actually, we lived in Australia from 1958 to 1966, which is eight and half years, and me always being interested in outer space and UFOs and things. I saw an...