Hello my name is Mihaly Fabok we are here on behalf of Expert Village. We are here to learn about wines in the cellar of the Gundel restaurant in Budapest. This restaurant is the most famous...
There's a tremendous amount that we need to know and I don't think it was really until the Institute of Medicine report in 2001 came out that we really started paying tremendous...
Hi, I'm Kevin from skis.com. This video is going to help explain the differences in footbeds found in ski boots. The footbed is the foundation of your skiing. It's what supports the...
Let's talk a little bit about the difference between GET and POST. We've already seen one of the differences, and that's GET parameters are included in the URL and POST...
Ok, In Rioja there are three parts There's is Rioja Baja and, nowadays we are doing aging wines (age-worthy), wonderful wines, but before it was more for young wines For the Grenache, Grenache...
Hello everyone! This is Mike Sanchez violinist/tutor/performer. You can call me any of these! Today I am going to explain to you a very popular question that is probably the number one question...
A microbiologist has 1,256 microbes growing in culture. When he checks again after fifteen minutes, there are 2,283 microbes in the same culture, so they're growing pretty fast. Estimate the...
>> Betsy Sykes: Let's talk Ms. Bunn for a minute about the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Oftentimes, people will think that Medicare will pay for long term care...
Hi. I'm trademark attorney Morris Turek. I protect individuals and businesses throughout the world by assisting them with their important trademark matters. One question I am frequently asked...
From the perspective of my role here at the University there are two areas where I look at sex and gender differences. One is a clinician, and that really is how do I treat my patients, what type of...