Hello friends ! How are you? Welcome to a new Video Blog . Thank you very much for viewing this video . I know that it will make much use , because as we saw in the title, because ... we will do carve...
la silla de ruedas no le impidió a una joven de 34 años cumplir su principal meta ella cursa una maestría en Ingeniería de Sistemas pero nos da una cátedra de esfuerzo y deseos de superación......
He recibido tantos consejos diferentes que no sabría donde empezar Uno que me viene a la mente es. “Necesitas un Coach” En 2002 John Door, miembro del consejo me dijo: “Necesitas un Coach” Y yo le...
Hi and welcome to Polyglot Coaching! My name is Inge Dowden, and as a business coach specialising in leadership and staff motivation I help business owners get the most out of themselves and their...
0:00 Hi, this video is going to be preparing you for creating your senior presentation boards during your senior project presentation. 0:12 You are going to be getting very familiar with this...
HOW TO RELAX SUPER QUICK! Do you get easily stressed? Do you panic? ..or feel tense, agitated or often restless?..then it's time to teach you how to relax..super quick! Number 1: You need to...
My name is Steve Shaw and I have been running my own businesses and coaching small businesses for over ten years in that time I have discovered the main challenges business owners face growing their...
So the Army has taught me to grow up, teach me responsibility, be on my own, which, if I stayed at the house… uh… I don't… I eventually would a got it… I mean… I would have had to move out...
Hi and it’s been a while since I posted and that’s mainly because I’ve been pretty tied up in the launch of the new book that I co-authored and a charitable project that’s going on around that. By...
i realized when i was in a private corporate law firm in washington d_c_ that uh... some of the people who were senior partners and hugely successful in the profession were not people that i admired...