It's all about roses. Roses are a wonderful accent to any wedding, they're so romantic. They come in many different colors and varieties. These are florists roses. You could also get...
Let's talk about greenery. You have many different types, such as lily grass, which gives you kind of a country feel. If you're doing it like a tropical arrangement it also works very...
The next step that we're going to work on is dealing with your oasis. It comes in either cup form, or brick form. The brick form comes in many different colors, such as orange, yellow, even a...
Now I'm going to show you how to make a lily. What we'll need is some Fun Foam. I'm going to make you white lilies, we have white Fun Foam- one skewer, a yellow pipe cleaner...
Hello my name is Denise Robinson and on behalf of Expert we are here to talk about flea market finds and finding the great platter. Or if you like solid colors, nice red; this is actually...
This is Vicki Walker for Expert Village. We are almost finished assembling the top part of our runner as far as the fabric portion is concerned. This is the hard part. The fun part would be next when...
Albert Graves: Today we're here at Canada Blooms where you know it's a fantastic place to just show flowers and excitement. The stuff that we normally do in the classroom, I know bring...
Waverly Fun Floret Licorice Fabric #675741 is a contemporary solid from the Deluxe II Collection with a luxuriously soft hand. This rich, luminescent fabric is a blend of polyester and rayon. With...
Waverly Bedazzle Silver Lining Fabric #673283 is a contemporary solid from the Deluxe II Collection with a luxuriously soft hand. This rich, luminescent fabric is a blend of polyester and rayon. With...
Waverly Ballad Bouquet Robins Egg Fabric #670562 is a contemporary solid from the Deluxe II Collection with a luxuriously soft hand. This rich, luminescent fabric is a blend of polyester and rayon....