What was it like trying to sneak a camera into a prison in the Philippines? The decision to bring the camera into the prison we didn't take lightly. If we got caught obviously there would be...
Hi. My name is John Thompson. I'm 47 years old. I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. I spent 28 years of my life in prison and when I came home there was not too many things...
A room eight feet long Isolated for 23 hours a day A concrete slab for a bed can't write home can't visit even with family trapped for weeks months or even years with almost no human...
so the other day we covered a story about the top Human Rights Court in Europe banning life in prison without possibility of parole because they say it's too harsh now keep in mind these...
No es vivir, yo no lo llamo vivir No lo puedes llamar vivir, sólo es existir No me han abrazado en 12 años no me han besado en 12 años La unidad Huntsville en Texas ejecuta una persona cada semana...



La pena de muerte existe en 34 estados de los Estados Unidos de América Actualmente, sólo 16 estados llevan a cabo ejecuciones Las ejecuciones se llevan a cabo mediante inyección letal Utah es el...
[ Music ] [ Applause ] >> Thank you very much. Thank you NIJ for inviting me and got my watch here kind of sideways, so I'll stop turning my head. Well it is cold in Florida. I...
Bruce Jackson, SUNY Distinguished Professor will lecture about "In that Timeless Time" on April 8, 2010. My book is called "In This Timeless Time" (Bruce Jackson is...