First you must experience perfect harmony Close your eyes Open your mind They don't lie Do you hear me? They don't lie at all Just, dive in And you will understand what I'm...
How's it going guys! My name is SonicDBZfan244 And welcome to let's play Slender The Arrival Let's go! So I'm gonna do a chapter by chapter like... Chapter 1 In episode...
i found you hey chick, are you right? yeah, don't worry and I can do for you? if you're an angel, that are in the earth? I got permission to leave? eh? no, my name is astrea,...
Bit by bit, you're charming my heart With that dazzling smile, Let's fly away from this endless darkness! Hold my hand When I first met you, I remembered a place that I held dear when...
wall this segment up at five is brought to you by go to assist well look back five my name is Darren kitchen I'm Shannon Moore situation doesn't act last we have lot in store for you...
Hi everyone, welcome to a new video of "The journey with Radwood Films". I'm here dress up better than the usual, because I'm in the Dreams cinema in Palacio de hielo...
Doctor: Kaiser, how have you been? Kaiser: I'm Good, Thank you for coming out here, what's her condition? She's Been Wounded Pretty Bad, Right now she's in the medical...



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"First Try." Take yourself all the way back to 2002 for a minute... ...and I can still remember the surprise and joy that I had as a child when opening this gift because I had no...