Hello and welcome in our rehearsal room. This is where we're recording our second album. - Yeah, we've been furnishing it for a year. And now we're stuck in here like hermits...



I am the adoptive Mom of two Chinese orphans. I am overweight and angry. I am angry because there are over 100,000 orphans housed in orphanages across China and over 300,000 orphans in Haiti. Most of...
01 kingston airport by TravelPod member lady_d 02 our bus by TravelPod member lady_d 03 on the way by TravelPod member lady_d 04 bus by TravelPod member lady_d 05 Sophie's Place by TravelPod...
Last episode, Minho and Key met up after spending half a day in London... MH: What a copycat! They had a go on skating despite of cold snap Minho outruns Key and they argue Key: why won't you...
Haew Suwat Waterfall,I like this picture by TravelPod member seetheworld123 Nice rental tents. by TravelPod member seetheworld123 Visitor Center, Kao Yai National Park. by TravelPod member...
There's spaces of protection whether it's a moment in time or whether it's an ecosystem. If they weren't there something else might be there like high-rise, shopping...
In that moment I couldn't believe I had said it and it was kind of like there it's out I want to retire. Yeah, this one here gets into our equipment room, right now, this one gets use...
Well I think that happy is a momentary thing. Happiness comes and goes. I think contentment is there all the time. Even underneath, when you're having a problem. I mean to be content you have...
I don't know if it's still there on the refrigerator, but my mother-in-law, she would put up sayings and put a magnet to hold it up there on the refrigerator for all to read and it...
You know material things, they come and they go. Jobs come and go. And that's what I mean, the only thing in the end that really matters, is just your family and your friends. Bzz, bzz, bzz,...