I'm Lucy Danziger Editor-in-Chief of SELF Magazine. Hi I'm Chef Calvin Harris with Benevida Foods and together we've teamed up to create SELF Healthy Kitchen a line of healthy...
She's gonna be sad She's wearing a scarf! The purple scarf Like Monae has a purple scarf See that purple scarf on her? Right there. Your sisters baby don't have a green scarf,...
(Text on screen): Fertility Authority, Your Most Trusted Source Ask the Experts How long can eggs or embryos remain frozen? Dr. Jim Toner, Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine: We do a lot of...
OnePlus is really a product of all the things I have learned throughout my professional career I have been making consumer products for over ten years and in that time I've become increasingly...
what's up guys just look at your concert my whole office in Reno Nevada State you MCA Success Secrets cuz you're looking for something to success secrets with NCAA I is sorry for the...
we welcome as guest preacher today dr. james pingel the executive director of sheyboygan lutheran high school he is a graduate of concordia university wisconsin and also has degrees from marquette...



Hi, my name is David McLeod. There are many teachings that suggest that we ought not get attached to our desires. Buddhist teaching, for example, highlights the relationship between liking,...
Well, it's not only the bed that allows you to get great night's rest, it's your pillow, too. So how do you find the pillow that suits your sleep? Here to help is Sleep Number...
Hi, my name is David McLeod. Time was, not that long ago actually, I used to be pretty judgmental about people. I had this habit of categorizing everyone; I would metaphorically put them into...
Hi, my name is David McLeod. A few weeks ago I had a pretty serious car accident that left me physically shaken but not injured. My car was totally destroyed, but I didn't seem to be damaged...

