This updated classic with a fast maximum aperture is ideal for everyday shooting, perfect in low lighting situations and great for producing images with beautiful background blur (Bokeh). This...
I have opened a tethered session in Capture One and the server is set up and operating the empty space on the Ipad indicates we're currently looking into an empty capture folder Let's...
Capture One Pro 7 has numerous ways to search for and locate images in your catalog or session. Filtered images are always displayed in the thumbnail browser. The library tool temp contains the...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0...



Hi my name is D J Clark I am a mult-media journalist and educator based in Beijing but I'm here in tunis right now to talk to you about equipment we're here in a multimedia workshop...
JFIF Exif NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D700 Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows 2012:01:18 17:56:52 0221 2010:10:26 21:31:02 2010:10:26 21:31:02 $.' ",# (7),01444 '9=82<.342...




No letter today. I wrote R three weeks ago. And still no answer. Maybe he didn't get my letter. Maybe a jealous assistant kept it from him. Because she felt I love R more than her. That I...



Set up your corporate email in a flash. Watch this video to learn how on your Samsung Infuse 4G exclusively at AT&T. To begin, press the Menu button. Then, touch Settings. Touch Accounts and...



Copiez vos contacts à partir de votre répertoire sur votre carte SIM, et vice versa. Regardez cette vidéo pour savoir comment procéder avec votre Samsung Infuse 4G. À partir de n’importe quel écran...
Grâce à la fonction appareil photo de 8 mégapixels et à la fonction caméscope HD de 720p, prenez de magnifiques photos et enregistrez de sublimes vidéos. Regardez cette vidéo pour apprendre à vous...

