How to get rid of pimples, the first thing you look at when you meet someone for the first time is usually their face, how to get rid of pimples so it makes sense that you want your facial to be...
Hi, I’m Dr. Lawrence Samuels. I am a board-certified dermatologist with a large practice devoted to acne skincare and how to treat acne with the best acne products available. From time to time, when...



Acne is a really common skin condition, it usually starts in the teenage years and can go on into the 20s, 30s and occasionally beyond. Mild acne usually consists of blackheads and whiteheads, but...
>>HALEY: I'm Haley. I'm 16 and I'm from Arizona and I have been using Proactiv for about two years now. >>HALEY: My friend Abby she just kind of...



introducing acne no more are you struggling to get rid of acne are you frustrated for not being able to eliminate your acne your control your breakouts despite all your efforts do you avoid going out...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. In the category of the strange and unusual, believe it or not, medical researchers designed a study to see if cell phone text...



Hi, my name's Lee Perkins. I'm a physical therapist and founder of Today I'm going to talk about Popliteal Cysts and why you should consider physical therapy...
Please try this its so great! okay guys i thought i want you guys out these three this is like the perfect way to get ready acne correctly at some of the day maybe a lot of air works a little bear...
Hi, this is Carrie with Natural Gumption. We had another question come in on our Facebook page. If you haven’t jumped over there, make sure you “Like” us at And the...
Hey the Navy, here it's Kennedy for a new video Hope you're well Today, I want to share with you my Winter Foundation Routine Yeah, Winter is here, we jump into! We did Summer-Winter,...