November 22, 2008 <i>I had nobody who would celebrate my birthday in the entire world with me</i> <i>before I met her.</i> Wrap it, please....



No big deal Cyborg, we'll just dismantle you, clean your parts, and put you back together. Dismantle me? You guys can't even program a VCR! VCR? VCR, 1980's device that allowed...



And in the Stars Mountain, starships connected several villages. Evolution had led to the widespread use of robots. Cold machines being created in the image and likeness of Humans, who used them as...



Hi. I'm Cyborg 1024 and I'm a super hero that belongs to the superhero team called the Fantastic Five. It's not the Fantastic Four. They're is a different superhero...



So this is a question from ARXD who asked, "Do you think it's possible in the near future to expand human memory with a chip or event better preload information or even...
<i>Tezutsu Hanabi, large handheld fireworks,</i> <i>created here and spread to Toyohashi and elsewhere.</i> <i>It's been...
This episode was proudly made possible by Subaru. So one of the ways in which I describe human beings is by saying we are addicted to the new. Now, what does this mean, addicted to the new? It means...
welcome to my inbox and first look at the cmaj tense or eighty five and emails this is the first gaining nelson in for owned so i'm very excited to be checking their it is fifty six hundred...