In our everyday world, we're used to absolute, deterministic predictions: throw a ball in the air, and it'll fall along an ellipse; leave your umbrella parked on the street, and when...
In 1905, Albert Einstein published a series of papers that many consider a starting point for the modern age of physics. But other than "E equals m c squared", most people only know...
Did you know that if the sun were fueled by combustion of, say, gasoline or wood, it would burn out in just a few millennia? So how is it still here after 4.5 billion years? Physics. The sun is like a...
We see particle-like behavior every day: drop a ball on the ground and it follows a single trajectory, leave your giraffe parked on the street and when you come back, it's still there, just...
Suppose you drop a ball down the side of a valley - classical wisdom tells us that when the ball rolls up the hill on the other side, it can't go any higher than the height from which you...