Cultural appropriation

is of movie awards and that she had a baby on her head and uh... before we get into the a specific that lets get uh... let's talk a little bit about what would be indians for those who...
FEMALE SPEAKER: Authors at Google New York is pleased to have Professor Ying Zhu come and speak to us today. Please welcome Professor Zhu. [APPLAUSE] PROFESSOR YING ZHU: Thanks for having me here. I...
Interview with Craig Baldwin, filmmaker. So whether or not you know about art povera my idea of cinema povera that is to say, impoverished cinema made out of our situation, which is marginalized...
>> Thank you all for making time to join us on this very special occasion. I hadn't realized that also today is the inauguration and all the festivities and so I'll --...
>> My name is Michael Taylor. I'm the new director of the Hood Museum of Art. I think I can only say that for about another two weeks but I'm going to still say new for a...