MARILYN MERSEREAU: There's a quote I heard the other day, that I thought was excellent, and it said, are your customers running your company? And if you have a great company today usually your...
How does a YouTuber go about discovering what value they have to offer to the world And then really try to figure out how do they capitalize on that in delivering that value To their subscribers and...
Hi just to inform This is the last vlog with this camera. as promised, stay now with all the special skills of the participants at creators camp Brazil can you demonstrate a special skill? now, a...
Hey guys, Tim Schmoyer here from VideoCreatorsTV. And I'll give and give you guys a little update on a story that's happening right now in the online video world. It's been...



Hey guys, my name is Tim Schmoyer and it's Thursday, time for some YouTube Q&A. Hot chilipeppers73 wrote and asked this: My question is about the relationship between Google ranking...



Today we are going to talk about how YouTube determines which videos it will rank as related videos here on YouTube and how you guys can increase the likelihood of your videos being related videos to...
New bloggers spend a lot of time on their blogs, seasoned bloggers spend a lot of time on other peoples blogs, and I think the same is true for video, that I saw a lot of your comments came in, what...



We believe in you that's why we let you suggest what you'll pay. We know that small businesses don't have massive budgets for, or time to: curate content, tweet, compete for...
Hey, guys. My name is Tim Schmoyer, and it is Thursday. Time to do some Q&A with you guys. Jorowi--I think is how you say it--commented on a previous video, and asked this: "Nice vid....
What happens when you build a really tight community around your YouTube Channel because you're responding to every single comment that you get across all your videos but at some point...