SUNDAR BHARADWAJ: The brand meaning lies in the mind of the consumers. What you think your brand is is actually your intent. And the brand meaning lies in the minds of the consumers. The more closely...



(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)  
 Have you ever thought about where we would be without the World Wide Web? It's hard, isn't it? Well its creators are celebrating...



We always view the author as the brand and we are putting the author forward and trying to help them build their brand and their platform. We can help them do that. The publishers' name does...



It is a fantasy drama series that centers on average guy in his early 20's who begins to understand behind the veil of our collective reality exist a race of ancient and powerful human beings...



SCOTT DONATON: Jonah was talking about how it's amorphous now, and I think that's a great way to put it, because you still see a lot of people trying to map it out. And trying to say,...



Good morging, today we're doing on a trip. What as destination, London I just packed my suitcases super nice. And everything did fit Really everything did fit I'm just wondering what I...
You know what's a good sound, it s probably one of theó That is how I was going to say. Well that is okay. That is both what we say. Sometimes even a great idea and great cinematography can...



Replace Obamacare Thank you chairman, last night House Republicans took a major step in our Pledge to America by passing a repeal to Obamacare, now we must work to replace this budget-busting law with...
I'll get up myself! Hi! So, my name is Olya! So, I want..I was forced to wish you Happy New Year But, how to celebrate it - I don't know No! You're rapist and maniac! Yeah!...



This week's YouTube Q&A video is a little different because the question comes directly from YouTube themselves about How To Hook Your Audiences Early in the very beginning of your...