I was reading the other day that the true story of the Apollo 13 moon mission has finally come to light. A 97 year old former press secretary from NASA... has finally broken his silence. It was 40...
When the heat in the Sahasrara settles down that is the time yogis declare a person as dead. Please understand the yogic definition of death is not heart stopping; it is the heat on the Sahasrara...
Apparently, a home isn't merely a place to hang your hat at night; which can be one of the prime funds one will ever make. While purchasing or vending a home, you can alter your economic...
One of the most striking recent changes in society is the way in which we have become digitally connected. Someone has said of young people today that they only exist either asleep or online. However,...
There was a family that had acquired a little new kitten. They were playing with their new kitten in the garden, and the kitten went up a tree and it got stuck between two sharp branches and it...
I've got here a $100 US bill, it's a brand new one. One of those really nice clean, crisp $100 bills. Okay it's worth $100 American dollars, but it's clean and...
He was the bread of life, so that baker's can understand. The water of life, so that plumbers can understand. The light of the world, so that electrician's can understand. The...



I think there's a good argument that can be made that some substantial percentage of the depression epidemic is manufactured by the medical/pharmaceutical industry. You know, I think that...
This question is not related to yoga, can I ask this right now? Okay. What was the reason of creation of this universe. Why are you asking me, I didn't do it? Okay. Now... Now, you first said...