Hello students. You’ll find from time to time that there is an occasion you want to add text on top of a photo. We always want to start by duplicating our layers that we’re always working on a copy...



Welcome to the CAUCE Information Flow Model Editor demo. This video shows most relevant functionality of this editor. Creating a new diagram Specifying diagram file (graphical representation)...



Like CS3 before it, Photoshop CS4 sports a new interface, one that's quite improved in my humble o. I have a total of six images open from photographer Teresa Guerrero of iStockPhoto.com and...
You'll see that making diagonal textures is now turned into child's play, thanks to 'DWs Slice' Just enable the 'Instant Diagonal' mode and make a...



Now that the parameters are set for the membership site the content can be protected. The way you protect content will depend on your site focus. S2Member installs a meta box on each page and post...
Hello Friends Welcome Back! So Peter has just told me about his own awakening. And then he turned to me and said Neil! You have had a past life! You have had 5 past lives, this is your six life upon...
Hey everyone. I'm finally back from vacation armed with thousands of photos that I really don't know what to do with. So over the next few weeks, as I'm sorting through the...
Hi, welcome back to Advanced Photoshop. This is Mike McRuiz, your instructor, and today we're going to be taking a look at different ways to control the brightness and contrast of an image....
Now we're going to have some fun with our Clone Stamp Tool. If you look up here on the screen you can see that right under our Heal Tool is our Clone Stamp Tool right here, I've...
Hi all, you can me see now. Anyway, I just recently had a request to show off how to add a web site to Cairo Dock. So that's what I'm going to show you right now. To do that, first...