Asalaamu alaikum Dad. Wa alykumusalaam beta (son) [funny accent] I'm just watching some TV. Come on Manchester United [Laughs] I had a errr...... Yes yes yes beta [son] I had a question I...
whites are much more likely to be drug addicts and black so why do racial stereotypes continue to persist louis there have been ever since i mean for a long time but the whitney houston death really...
Hello, this is David Duke. I'm a Christian and I want to speak very sincerely to my Christian friends about Israel. I'm no Minister, just a layman, asking you to listen with Christian...



Hey, you want to get a pizza and fuck? What’s the matter? Don’t you like pizza? No, really, girl. Seriously. No, I do not want pizza. You think you can just walk up to me and think, ooh, this girl...
King Solomon was a very wise, man. When he spoke, people sat up and listened. They didn't always do as he said, but at least they had been advised, or shall we say, exposed. In Proverbs...
This is the week we celebrate Labor Day. Labor Day began in 1882, before I was born if you can imagine it, it was proposed by a man named Matthew McGuire, a machinist who was secretary of the Central...
Friend, you want to hear some good news? Well, who doesn't? Well this good news I have comes from God, so you can count on it. For instance, if you're down and out and need help,...
Every day, barges like this one arrive here. Each loaded with up to 100,000 pounds of salvage. So to get that off there and onto here you're gonna need a big crane. A really big crane....
If you want something that will make your head swim, read Psalm 147:4. He counts the number of stars. He calls them all by name. Now just think about that for a minute: He counts the number of stars....



Have you ever been angry when you see some evil, wicked person prosper? It seems that nothing ever goes wrong to them even though they openly defy God and all that God stands for. I see them all the...