I think games offer a unique opportunity as a medium to create experiences that only really exist between the player and the work itself, the game itself. For instance, in Flower, we have very...
OZONA GNYTE New English. STORMYís mother, a loyal Astrati OLD WOMAN Marvieís elderly neighbor KOGA TANAKE Yogi-like. Astrati Scurrier, acolyte/secret agent FATHER KINAKIN Yogi-like Astrati Scurrier...
Erik: How is your public speaking experience teaching you to more effectively engage an audience? Jullien: In addition to my comedy class I've actually taken a storytelling class with a...
My answer to this was that while my writing skills were improving, I came across two specific challenges. The first was the research process. I, being slightly older than many of the students in...
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take seven seconds to start is gonna just ok broadcasting live okay broadcasting ok except for the next and that's why don't you tell me about why interesting last upheld teams that...
First Lady Michelle Obama: I always love Beyoncé, so anything fast-paced that she's doing is a good one for me. But I have a very eclectic taste, so my play list on my iPod which I listen to...
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Maggie and I started the school in 1983, and when we got together and sat in my living room on the floor, one of the things that was so amazing was the spark and the energy and the creativity and the...
[ Sound Effects ] Hi Tech survival in space. [ Sound Effects ] Space is an extremely hazardous environment. Without the protection of Earth's atmosphere, once you're outside of that,...