Presidio- Practical thinking for a connected world. Collaboration will change the way we work together. Business communications has evolved into a fully integrated, collaboration platform. It is a...
I am here with my friend, TC- Tom Cloyd. Who is a king of differentiation. And he will tell you in a couple of sentences- couple of minutes, why this product is really rocking the market and making a...
>>ANCHOR: Hey, there's one in the White House, and now there's one at RIT. Leaders at RIT's National Technical Institute for the Deaf tested out their new...
Today three industry leading companies come together in a significant announcement to help customers move from old architectures to the new generation of computing, the internal cloud or the external...
It's one button after I hook up my computer, and to tell you the truth, when I was teaching in the traditional classroom, probably 60 percent of the time, I had to call IT just to get my...
[upbeat acoustic/electronic indie music] When groups communicate easily, more gets done. At Teo, we make the tools to make that happen. Built from the ground up, our comprehensive communications suite...
Welcome! Welcome to a brand new day. A new way of getting things done. Welcome to a place where maps are rewritten, and remote villages are included Place for body linkage is business language Where...
When you need to train staff or answer a help desk request involving an IP phone, do it remotely via your desktop. Here's how it works. Your organization is spread out across multiple...
Hi, this is Amy Lewis, Marketing Manager at Cisco Systems. We're here, on the floor at Citrix Synergy. I'm here with Ashok. If you could, introduce yourself? -Sure. My name is Ashok...
Ok, This is Basem AlSallom We are in Cisco London or UK Fulham What are the main purpose for visiting Cisco today Today we have a meeting with the orphans In participate with Hayah Group The Event are...