Quedate un momento asi No mires hacia mi Que no podre aguantar Si clavas tu mirada que me llena el cuerpo No vas a entender cuando me veas llorar Nunca me senti tan solo Y me explicaba Que el amor es...



grieving families are denied benefits due to the government shutdown another reason why we need to open up this damn government not piecemeal open the whole thing up point my period but the closer the...
Oh, my goodness. The Big Boi show from OutKast was just fantastic. It was amazing. VIP status. Thank you so much, Gillette. What? It was so loud in there, we don't even know what's...
t gave the uh... the commencement address at ohio state university on sunday and in a speech focused on citizenship analicia rescind some sort of things that he had to say and with loving affectionate...



Lauren Mayberry's the singer from churches are which is a band that actually became very popular through social media and through the internet out recently she took a screen grab a comment...
Georgia resident Jack Lamar Roberson apparently overdosed on his diabetes med it medication something that his fiancee felt was an apparent suicide attempt now she called the authorities immediately...
love it is the in cryptid email provider that Edward snowed in used in order to communicate with people and recently it actually shut down and some were wondering why they shut down and now it kinda...
there's a new app called cleverly enough ghetto tracker interesting that's the title of the app until they got in trouble of course and what are the app do well makes played inside...
(Image source: Wikimedia Commons / Daniel Csorfoly) BY STEVEN SPARKMAN A U.S. citizen has died in an Egyptian jail six weeks after falling afoul of the government's crackdown on militants in...
a New Yorker by the name of TCP stack was a riding his bike he was riding his bike in the bike lane so a new york city police officer gave him a ticket and you have to be a fifty dollar fine as a...