Some of you may recall a film made about 15 years ago about the Kogi Indians of Columbia. They’ve closed the door in their society; we're not welcome and in this way they have protected...
russell simmons has a court order to pay uh... his acts camara the sentence uh... forty thousand dollars a month in child support what he got he got a pretty good deal drummer eddie murphy estate...



Hello, this meditation is especially made for children those children who really want to see the magical world where there's energy and fairies or angels or any other beings you'd...
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The inner smile meditation, or we say practice, is so simple that I'm doing it right now. I've just smiles to my heart. It's a very simple practice, children do it, and...



DR. RUTH ANN SHEPHERD: This was the multiple determinants of health model that was used nationally at the time we developed Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait, and although there are new versions, what...
Om Shanti! Earth needs Peace, The Universe Needs Peace, Everywhere needs peace. Everywhere needs peace. Everything needs peace. Everyone needs peace. If we have peace, there is Lord Brahma, Vishnu,...
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Music Therapy and Special Needs : A Parent's Perspective Hey, everyone. welcome back to The Rhythm Tree. My name is Ryan Judd. I am a board certified music therapist today we’re going to be...
I love that video clip. I think it is a great example of how you can take some dry, kind of boring academic material and make it fun, motivating and successful by incorporating music and humor. Let’s...