It’s been a minute now just tell me where to begin I meet a lot of girls but they gon’ treat me like a vegan Another given Sunday it’s a given I’ll be dreamin' They say the flow goes so out...
bjbj Patrick: Welcome to Business Spotlight. I m your host, Patrick Dougher. I have a fabulous show today. You re going to love it. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever met somebody who just has...



How to Find Investors for Your Business. Whether you have big dreams or small dreams, finding the right investor for your business is key to making them happen, and knowing where to look makes all the...



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I'm a researcher in biomass. I guess the word "biomass" is unfamiliar to you. However, my first name must be more unfamiliar to you. I guess those of you laughing speak...
[hook 1] (JJ Weeks) I'm running fast, I'm running fast away from the past, monsters that chase me [verse 1] Living out my days looking over my shoulder know the reaper is getting...
I Need Money Click Here To Learn more! We have been selected to go to New York to attend the International Modeling and talent Association convention 2014. We are asking for your help. We have been...
Hi I'm Cindy Chase from Award Realty. I am here to introduce myself to you as a Realtor in your surrounding area. I have lived in Cleveland, TN for all of my life and have functioned as a...
Hiya! Hey, what's going on here? Long faces? Dullness? Off-time? You must be kidding! Don't you have anything better to do? So, I'm coming at just the right time, huh? Come on,...