Hello My Dear Virgo friends. Its my special reading for you for the general trends of April, May and June Months 2014. MARS in the 1st house continues to make you aggressive in dealing with the...
I think there´s something funny about it. She´s rich... prestigious family... gorgeous... ...and she dates a plumber. But there are different types of plumbers. I think you´re just being judgemental....
What value left is there in this world I live in? I start thinking it's all meaningless or maybe I’m just tired? In exchange for something I got I gave up a number of precious things but it’s...



Hi everybody it is the third week and I just want to check in with you all. Hopefully by now you are feeling more comfortable in the class and feeling more secure when you log in and know what to do....



Me at the tropic of capricorn by TravelPod member cat2222 A wee man? by TravelPod member cat2222 Sitting on the top of the truck at the bush camp by TravelPod member cat2222 Sunrise at the dunes by...
Dear friends and loved ones from the light and love of God. I am here today to give you the message of how to give and accept love. To give is easy but to receive is much more difficult for you. You...



I am here to do the video forecast for the week starting February 17th, 2014. So hang on! Hey! This is Dixie from A Fool's Journey. I am here with the video forecast for the week starting...
Hi, my name is Liuba Yeremicheva. My name is Tina Peresunko - and together we are climate activists You know, the face of the Earth is changing every day. As a result of climate change, we lose many...

