But i do seriously like dinosaurs

Hello, I am a robot lost in the world and, despite my feminine voice from Google, I'm a male robot. I do not have much to do, so I did this vlog. I was born at the turn of the millennium, yes,...
One Dinosaur seriously surprising another! by TravelPod member asphalt_pilgrim A cool tree outside the Khon Kaen museum by TravelPod member asphalt_pilgrim Mark and I Meet Sumalai's...
Yap, move the Green Screen! Yap! Ok, move from the shot. What's the line, again? Hold it! There's something... What's the line, again? So this is Mr. Hery... ...doing some...
I’ve been tagged by my friend and fellow Youtuber, that jolly entertaining fellow, MacNutz2, as some kind of sick revenge for my dragging him into the Dickhead tag. I’ve been kind of busy for a...
Hi my name is Jason Greer, a motivational speaker who specializes in equality and diversity training, soft skills training and motivational speeches. If I put myself in the shoes of a business owner...
Oral Surgery Tupelo MS: Wisdom Teeth, Sedation ORAL SURGEON Tupelo MS, Plantersville MS, Verona MS Tupelo DENTAL PATIENT You are a Dentist in Tupelo MS. Tell me something. Do wisdom teeth make a...
It's not normal at all! “Xam” has always been there. She rarely leaves the food on the plate for long But it was strange that day I'm sure that I did close all the doors and windows...
The holiday season means food, presents, family, and also travel. Lots and lots of travel. And with these gas prices, wouldn't you want your vehicle to be more efficient? Hey, drivers. Trace...
Okay, quiet on the set! What are the extras doing over there? They’re not in this scene. Sorry, I’ll get them off the set. Is this the lighting you wanted for this scene? If not, I can tell the...