Thanks, fellas. Hello Brazil. Thank you for inviting me. Let's talk about design. I think this was build along the conversations we've been having this morning. Design is about...
(Image Source: Al Jazeera)


Egypt’s top court has overturned the conviction of ousted former president Hosni Mubarak. CNN reports Mubarak has won an appeal on...
(Image Source: Bloomberg News) BY ELISA LOPEZ AGUADO The European Commission warned Spain and Slovenia on Wednesday — saying their economic situation is too risky and imbalanced and that their...
The second topic scheduled for our discussion is the visit of the Turkish Prime Minister, Mr Erdogan, to Moscow. It seems that economic issues like abolishing visas between the two countries were top...
Hello, I'm Sean Duffy, founder of The Duffy Agency and lecturer here at Lund University School of Economics and Management. Today I'd like to tackle one of the most challenging...
(Image Source: The Chicago Tribune)


Boeing debuted its new 787 ‘Dreamliner’ passenger airplane. during its inaugural flight from Houston to Chicago O’Hare...
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local rule was put into the dot frank of finance reform bill whether boca rule says is that you cannot do proprietary trading if you have these large banks what is that it just means ike if...
Call it tit-for-tat or a game of political chess — the U.S. Department of State is expelling Venezuelan diplomats, giving them 48 hours to leave the country. The move is in retaliation to Venezuelan...
A snag in production is certainly causing a headache for Boeing. "Hairline cracks have been discovered in the wings of some 787 Dreamliners still being built. Boeing says none of the 122...