l know you'll make him feel... Hey! (BOYS SHOUTING) (SHOUTING) No. No! Hey! Shut up! Did you speak to them? Yeah? You remember any of their names? Yeah. Two of them were brothers. l think...
hello and welcome to get me tires dot com get me tires a service that brings you you new customers by selling your tires online there are no monthly fees or set up fees and no term contracts of any...
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https://www.westsidetire.com Auto Repair and Car Service Tips: Irregular Tire Wear - Oshkosh, Neenah, Menasha, Appleton, Ripon Wi 920-231-7000 (oil change, oil service, auto parts, and more) Hi,...
You're late again. Like last time, and the time before that. You're always late. Why? Tell me! Why don't you say anything? Answer me! You don't feel the need to see me...
Today it's thursday, friday? - Thursday. - The final racing day. Today we're going to drive to Adelaide, to the finish. Twenty kilometres behind Tokai, really close. Compared to 3000...
Hello people and a big fat Friday welcome to this week’s news round up, where we gather together all the biggest scoops from Monday the 8th to Sunday the 14th October, including fresh GTA V details,...
Hi, I’m Arne Duncan. I want to respond to a couple of questions and comments we received via Facebook. First, Ginger and Adriana wrote in about great teachers who were thanked as part of the...



Ever since the tragic shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut last month, American politicians have been scrambling to concoct new legislation in an attempt to stem the tide of these...

