Easy closed captioning for youtube videos You may wonder why this is a good idea. Well, sometimes our audio tracts are glitchy, or our speech is not well understood, not to mention that some of us...
Hi, I'm Tristan McCauley from Lucky Seven Tattoo, and I'm here to talk to you about a couple of recommended metals for body piercing. When it comes to body piercing, you want to make...
Today is Monday, April 1st and that can only mean one thing. No, not April Fools. Today we start ♪ VEDA ♪ Vlog Every Day in April. [ ♪♪♪ ] Hi there, I'm Roberto. Hope you guys are doing well....
Hi. I'm Keith. And I'm the girl. And we're Keith and the Girl. Hello everybody and welcome to Keith and the Girl. I am Keith. I know this because I've practiced it on a...
If you filed your return with TurboTax last year, we can save you time this year. That’s because TurboTax can easily transfer information from last year's tax return. Just follow the prompts....
COMM: Tipping the scales at a reported 21 kilos, eight month old Santiago Mendoza's size has shocked the word. COMM: Supersize Santiago weighs the same as an average six-year old child, due to...
{Music Playing} It is a dark time. The once mighty Empire of Arowyth has fractured and the feudal lords have crowned themselves kings each bent on expanding their realms and laying claim to the...
Hey everybody it's me the HappyCabbie with two videos today that is correct. Anyway today's video is going to be about Closed Captioning and this is one of the side things that I have...
OK folks I'm going to try and make this as quick as I can Ummm I've been playing around with the closed captioning feature, for videos and basically what happens is you upload your...
Welcome back to Conference Room Systems I'm Paul Richards and I'm here to show you our sound masking micro zone adjustable emitters each one of these emitters is adjustable from 9...