Hey guys, welcome to COD VS COD, the series where we compare the same weapon from different Call of duty games, to see which version reigns supreme. in this episode will be taking a look at it...
Today on Drinks With Diablo, we'er going to teach you how to pour a Black and Tan. TheFNDC.com presents Drinks With Diablo: How to Make a Black and Tan. Alright, welcome back to Drinks With...
If you're a fan of Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," you are familiar with the lovable mensch who gets into trouble whether he likes it or not. Well, these are my...
Hello, everyone. My name is Kagaen and this is Season 2, Episode 8 of my Combat Arms Weapon Analysis. In this episode, we'll be covering arguably the fastest-shooting pistol in the game, the...
I'm pretty good only does knife though he dose not play the game play the game take all well you value that america humiliated twice on this book to my hands never happened to me before was...
Dear diary, while the enemy team seems to enjoy my presence, it has come to my attention that my fellow soldiers do not like it when I need to respawn 10x more than they do. I am belittled and called...
AC4 Multiplayer Loyalty bonuses. Special relics will be unlocked if you've played before previous Assassin's Creed multiplayer. There is a Harlequin puppet for Brotherhood veterans....
teixeira dos santos joel santana up assim ativo vigentes assim estados não a áfrica não brilhar m puyol não opinou no habitáculo navio o ar os que têm aqui pivetta agostinho questiono-me ação mas...

