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(Walking Alongside) CORRINNE OLIVER: Kia ora. Ko Corrinne Oliver tōku ingoa. Like Minds, Like Mine coordinator here at Supporting Families Wairarapa. I have a team of 11 presenters, and we go out...
O thou my lovely boy who in thy power, Dost hold Time's fickle glass his fickle hour: Who hast by waning grown, and therein show'st, Thy lovers withering, as thy sweet self...
Leo, would you stop walkig back and forth? It’s giving me a headache already. But then that’s it? Shax is back? Paige, wait. How is that possible? I mean, wasn’t him the demon who killed Prue? You...
Don't panic, I'm not a demon. Okay? I'm you, obviously, from the future. Apparently not very far in the future. I just bought that top. Listen to me. Miles has gotta die....
Приятно и топло е. За втори път съм в България, в София. Бях поканен преди 2 години Свирих в клуб Микстейп 5 заедно с ZionLionz sound system. Беше много приятно. И бях щастлив да получа покана...
Freaken Hell. What have I done? My code. My freaken code. I knew better than to keep at it. I don’t have the skill for it. I have never done this before. I meet people once. That is all. Like Tyler...
Hello, my name is Michael Novak, and welcome to my new channel, completely designed for Doctor Who videos, as you can see on the posterboard behind me, and on my cool Doctor Who cup. Okay, so uh.. I...
>>Rissy Mitchell: Hello Chris. Salon Privé, fantastic car debuting here, how do you feel? >> Chris Evans: Feel OK, yeah, very relaxed >>Rissy Mitchell:...
(SCREAMING) We are under attack. There are creatures. I don't even think they're human. We can't stop them. The clock is broken. He's coming. Did you hear what I said?...