Have you ever had the exact same dream as somebody else at the exact same time? Bruce Ismay and Lord Pirrie did. Their dream was to make the biggest and best ship the world had ever seen. But how big...
Electro House Mix 2014 King Kornelius Mix Neil Hatherall, the man behind the King Kornelius moniker, is a self taught EDM producer residing in Ontario Canada. First entering the electronic music scene...
All I want to make people do is just dance and have a good time. My job is founder and business man of R House Music. R House specialises in artist management, events management and a record label....
Mr. BLUNT. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I come in support of my friend from Colorado's amendment that would reduce this by one-half of 1 percent below the spending levels of last year....



Historic buildings provide something that a new building can't. It provides a history; It provides an energy. Our daily challenge is how do you convince a business to move into an 80-year-old...
Driving to Munnar by TravelPod member sumideal Our visitors by TravelPod member sumideal View from the drive by TravelPod member sumideal More tea fields. by TravelPod member sumideal Dirt road by...



If you want to keep a big aquarium in your house, the same rules apply to a small tank that apply to a large aquarium. They have the same basic needs. You want to keep the water clean. You want to...
How to Get Rid of Ghosts. Your ghostly guest may not take up much space, but your house isn't big enough for the both of you. Age-old traditions can help that spirit move out and move on. You...
Mr. Carney: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being here on this bright and sunny Monday. I have no announcements to make so I'll go straight to your questions. Julie. The...