Katie Hopkins...She has a lot of views that are close minded... I see what you're doing, so you're asking an opinionated prat what he thinks about an opinionated prat? Pretty much....



Okay now that we've basically got the features of the face. We indicated the ears but we didn't do anything with them. And the best way to do ears is, it's almost like the...
He beats me if I don't! [music] Look what they said when I tried to put Brownie. Brown. Brown, Brainey, Brawney, brusking, Botaney. Delete the y and put ie. delete the -- what are you doing?...
Round round head Big big ear clumsy-headed and clumsy-footed Running like a top when start thinking always miscalculate want to do good things, ah But made mess every time. papa said i'm a a...
I would rather hire a high-level World of Warcraft player than a MBA from Harvard. Why is a game, a massive multiplayer game that has maybe 12 million people or more playing it like the World of...
Listen... I mean...do you here me? I say... Sleeping already? I know you were rising, just a while ago... Are you really sleeping? E-x-c-u-s-e-m-e. <3 You know... Wake up... You moved a body,...
And I saw people ridding themselves of the things of this world, throwing them away in a big receptacle that I was holding. And they came and threw away any attachment they previously had with this...
Hi, my name is Sarah O'Neil and I'm a personal trainer and nutritionist. Welcome to my series, Bridal Boot Camp, on My Wedding Scrapbook. Over the next eight weeks I'm going to...
I love strolling through Melbourne CBD There are so many wonderful buildings to see but.. just off the beaten track are some architectural treasures that are very easy to miss imagine trying to build...