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Among believers, there are some Children of God and there are children of satan. Those who are of the seed of Christ are like Christ, they are born again and they SIN NO MORE, they walk in...



Hello my name is Rivka. Rivka in Hebrew is Rebecca. I was born in Rumania, 67 years ago. But, by the Lord's grace, I was born again in 1962. My family was a traditional Jewish family in...
For each university student There is an insidious danger Always lurking Everyday ready to set a trap for you It is a challenge to resist it You have to grit your teeth And think your future is at...



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The sky shall unfold, preparing His entrance. The stars shall applaud Him, with thunders of praise! The sweet light in His eyes shall, shall enhance those awaiting. And we shall behold Him. Then face...



Will you join me this morning by taking your Bibles and turning to Paul’s epistle to the Romans, Romans chapter eight. This morning I will begin a two part series on the Christian’s exultation. We...
We come again this morning to Paul’s epistle to the Romans chapter 13 where, once again, we will examine the issue of the urgency of all encompassing love. In a few minutes we will look at verses...
Pornographic films and photos BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Hi guys, Pornographic films and photos Adultery and fornication became something ordinary in this...