Darrell Bock: Welcome to The Table, where we discuss issues of connection between theology and culture. And my guest today is Reg Grant, who not only was a classmate of mine at Dallas Seminary many,...
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Many are called few are chosen that's what Jesus said. Jesus said that the trees in his garden that don't bear fruit shall be cut down. Jesus also said that the branches...
Captain's Log. Stardate: October 21st, 2008. Well… it's done. Mmm. Blanca and I, well, she broke up with me, 'cause the Pickle Man tricked me again. A few more stupid photos....
Do not be like those who fall for the Christian fellowship trap. They are under the impression and teaching that you must have fellowship otherwise you are not a true Christian. The problem is when...
Many people call themselves christians there is many there are millions millions of people who call themselves christians many of them do many of them are very very religeous many of them say prayer...
It is impossible to be a part time ambassador for Jesus Christ. Either you are fully a representative of Him and you represent Jesus with the testimony of your life, OR you are a hypocrite. You cannot...
This is a message to true Christians who are already following and being led by the Holy Spirit. “Confirm their worries.” When we really start serving Jesus the world will be very concerned for us....
>>John: Now, I want to come back to our leading question here. Glenn Beck. Harry Reid, Steve Young, Mitt Romney, Stephen Covey, and Orrin Hatch are all Mormons. So if I ask them the...



in Texas we are passing her new story has a guy by the name a Parker bonoma and he claim to be very religious and he also said that he had some energy trading software that was gonna make killing and...
Turn to the gospel of John once again. We come now to the second part of our study of the Marvelous Mystery of the Incarnation. We're in John 1 and we will be in verse 14-18 this morning. Let...